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Β· 2 min read


Although I did go through a lot of tutorials and courses on the fundamentals of HTML, CSS & JavaScript when I started learning web development last year, my familiarity with the front end essentials is not at the level that I wish to be. I would like to think that with practice it will only get better. And what better to do than building projects that I think is cool.

I have always wanted to build a pathfinding visualizer that animates algorithms (I made a sorting visualizer some time ago). Recently, I have just started my Data structure & Algorithm class as a computer science student. So today, after watching this YouTube video on Dijkstra's algorithm, I decided to wait no longer and just start building a simple version of the pathfinding visualization.


In the process I was able to revisit the following concepts:

  1. CSS & HTML
  • CSS flexbox (for centering stuff)
  • CSS grid (to create the 10x10 grid)
  1. JavaScript
  • querySelector & querySelectorAll (for selecting DOM elements)
  • setTimeout (to create animation effect)
  • createElement, getAttribute, setAttribute, appendChild (for modifying the DOM)
  1. Algo
  • I wrote the code based on the video explanation of Dijkstra's algorithm, I am not 100% sure it is doing the right thing.

End Product​

After some polishing to make it look better (in fact it took me quite some time πŸ˜‚ to add in relevant CSS for this to be mobile friendly), you can see it in action on Codepen. Feel free to check out the codebase in my Github Repo. Screenshot

Further Improvements​

There are many things to be done for this. Just to name a few:

  • Allow users to pick start/end points.
  • Better visuals to convey the weight/difficulty between two nodes.
  • Add in more algorithms (DFS, BFS, etc). I might do a part two for this when I am done with some of the above.

If you like reading this, please give it a like so that more people can see it.πŸ˜„

Β· 5 min read

Thinking in React is an article from the official React Doc that talks about the development process for a typical React App

React is, in our opinion, the premier way to build big, fast Web apps with JavaScript. It has scaled very well for us at Facebook and Instagram.

I will be making a simple React App to illustrate the process.

Demo in codepen: A React App that reminds you of the steps in developing a React App...

Step 0: Start With A Mock​

The first thing to do is to have some sort of mental picture of how the App is going to look like. Preferably, have a sketch/mock of the UI.

This is what I came up with: A mock-up of the web app design

Secondly, imagine what data from an API/data source will look like. Given that I already have the steps involved in developing a React App and I have it in the following format:

const data = [
heading: "Start With A Mock",
content: "Any input from user. Front-end in its plain form",
heading: "Break The UI Into A Component Hierarchy",
"Draw Boxes.Identify components(Single Responsibility Principle)
.Arrange into hierarchy",
heading: "Build A Static Version",
"Don't use state at all, only use Props.Reuse components.
Top down/Bottom up to you.Pass your data model to
the top of the hierarchy",
heading: "Identify The Minimal Representation of UI State",
"Keep only the absolute minimal and compute
everything else on-demand.Is it passed in from a parent via props?
If so, it probably isn't state.
Does it remain unchanged over time? If so, it probably isn’t state.
Can you compute it based on any other state or props in your component?
If so, it isn’t state",
heading: "Identify Where Your State Should Live",
"Identify every component that renders something
based on that state.
Find a common owner component(above all other components).
Create a wrapper component above components if necessary",
heading: "Add Inverse Data Flow",
"Pass state changing callbacks from state owner
to relevant child component",

Step 1: Break The UI Into A Component Hierarchy​

I started with identifying components from my UI.

  1. ReferenceTable: container
  2. StepNumberBar: reflect the current step number
  3. Explanation: displays the current step details
  4. KeyList: displays a list of bullet points
  5. NavigationRow: contains navigation buttons
  6. MoveStepButton: displays a button

Now that I identified the components in our mock, I arranged them into a hierarchy.

  • ReferenceTable
    • StepNumberBar
    • Explanation
      • KeyList
    • NavigationRow
      • MoveStepButton

Step 2: Build A Static Version in React​

Now I started building components top down. This process was a lot of debugging & frustration. Working with sample data helps. Also, focus on getting the skeleton out before you start polishing the components with CSS. But, do throw in some of the centering/alignment CSS along the way so that the App will start to take its shape. No state management at all at this stage.

Some of the basic functional components as follows:

function StepNumberBar({ total, current }) {
return (
<div className="stepNumberBar">
.map((value, index) => (
className={current === index ? "active" : "inactive"}

function KeyList({ content }) {
var itemsArr = content.split(".")
return (
{, index) => (
<li key={index}>{item}</li>

function Explanation({ heading, content }) {
return (
<div className="explanation">
<KeyList content={content} />
function NavigationRow() {
return (
<div className="buttons">
<MoveStepButton direction="prev" />
<MoveStepButton direction="next" />

function MoveStepButton({ direction }) {
return direction === "prev" ? <button>PREV</button> : <button>NEXT</button>

function ReferenceTable({ detail }) {
return (
<StepNumberBar total={detail.length} current={currPage} />
<NavigationRow />

Step 3: Identify The Minimal (but complete) Representation Of UI State​

Now, thinking of all of the relevant data, I have:

  • The step number
  • The step detail

Going through the three questions for each piece of data:

  1. The step number changes when users navigate from one step to another. Hence it is probably state.
  2. The step detail is passed as props, does not change over time, so that's probably not state.

I ended up with only one state that I manipulated with the useState hook:

const [currPage, updatePage] = useState(0)

Step 4: Identify Where Your State Should Live​

Given that the step number needs to be displayed in StepNumberBar and also updated by the buttons in NavigationRow, the state needs to live in one component higher: ReferenceTable.

Step 5: Add Inverse Data Flow​

Since components should only update their own state, I passed the update function from ReferenceTable to MoveStepButton that will fire whenever the state should be updated. I used the onClick event to update the state. I also added some cool CSS effect that you can explore here.

Partial code as follows:

function ReferenceTable({ detail }) {
const [currPage, updatePage] = useState(0)
return (
<StepNumberBar total={detail.length} current={currPage} />
<NavigationRow updatePage={updatePage} />
function NavigationRow({ updatePage }) {
return (
<div className="buttons">
<MoveStepButton updatePage={updatePage} direction="prev" />
<MoveStepButton updatePage={updatePage} direction="next" />

function MoveStepButton({ updatePage, direction }) {
return direction === "prev" ? (
<button onClick={() => updatePage(curr => (curr === 0 ? 5 : curr - 1))}>
) : (
<button onClick={() => updatePage(curr => (curr === 5 ? 0 : curr + 1))}>


As always, more CSS + Polishing. Full code can be found at this repo.

Thank you for reading and have a nice day.

Β· 7 min read


Suppose you have a row of N cats, numbered from 0 to N - 1. Initially, all the cats are painted black. You are asked to perform Q operations of the following two types, in random order. 1.Painting Cats: Given a range a to b(inclusive), cats within the range are painted with a new color. Example input:

Type of operation | Start index | End index | Color

1 0 10 blue

No output (void)

2.Query Cat: Given a particular number a, return the color of the cat numbered a. Example input:

Type of operation | number

2 10

Example output:


It is guaranteed that 1 ≀ N ≀ 1,000,000,000 and 1≀Q ≀ 300,000. Create a time and space efficient solution.

I could not answer this question without a hint given by my classmate. Not a difficult question to understand, so feel free to think of a solution if you can, before reading on.

Question Analysis​

The difficulty lies in the time and space complexity requirements. Let's ignore them for a while and come up with a naive solution.

Naive approach​

One possible way to solve the problem is to simply do as told. Initialize an N sized array and assign every slot to be of the color blue. When handling paint-cat operation, simply loop over the array from the starting index to the end index, updating the existing color to the new color. During query-cat operation, simply index to the slot in the array and output the color in that slot.

There are a few issues with the above naive approach. One being that N could be too large to handle. This means our array will take out substantial space to solve this problem. Besides, the time complexity of the paint-cat operation is O(N) because we touch every cat within range per operation. The upside to this solution is that the query-cat operation is O(1) thanks to the array indexing. In summary:


  • O(N) array setup


  • O(N) per paint-cat, worst case O(QN), Q operations of paint-cat
  • O(1) per query-cat, worst case O(Q), Q operations of query-cat

Getting better​

Looking at the limiting factors, realize that we cannot represent every single cat, or else we will have trouble making it space-efficient. As for the two operations, we need sublinear time complexity for both. There are a few choices, in terms of data structure, that can achieve sublinear complexity: ADTs:

Map (implemented by Hashtable):​

O(1) insert, O(1) update, O(1) query

Priority Queue (implemented by Binary Heap)​

O(logn) insert, O(n) update, O(logn) query

Ordered Map (implemented by Balanced Binary Search Tree)​

O(logn) insert, O(logn) update, O(logn) query

Binary Heap is out since it requires O(n) update in its standard implementation, although it could achieve O(logn) update with an additional Hashtable to keep track of positions. Both Hashtable and bBST are possible. If we need to maintain some sort of order, we have to go with bBST.

Range Update, Point Query​

The question, in effect, can be summarized by the above subheading. The key then is to represent the range and find out how we can query points from the new representation.

I thought about it for a long time. Certainly, we are employing a strategy just like using cones to mark out boundaries in a football field. A range of cats can be represented by the starting index and the ending index. To query a cat, we will look towards its left or right, till we find a demarcating cat. The approach is in the right direction. What puzzled me was how to update cats so that the boundaries are set correctly and point-query can be done properly.

Suppose we update the color of the starting index and the ending index cat. A few runs of operations are described as follows:

(10 cats)

starts with default color: Cat 0 => red, Cat 9 => red

Type of operation | Start index | End index | Color

1 2 5 blue

Cat 0 => red, Cat 2 => blue, Cat 5 => blue, Cat 9 => red

Now, if I employ the strategy where querying the cat will look for the nearest cat on its left that is colored, I can get away with the following queries

2 1 // Cat 0's color is red, hence Cat 1 is red

2 4 // Cat 2's color is blue, hence Cat 4 is blue

However, querying cats 6,7,8 will result in wrong output

2 7 // Cat 5's color is blue, hence Cat 7 is blue (WRONG)

There is also another issue with updating ranges that are overlapping:

// continuing the example above 1 1 3 green

Cat 0 => red, Cat 1 => green, Cat 2 => blue, Cat 3 => green, Cat 5 => blue, Cat 9 => red

Now that is a mess.


In the end, I needed two intuitions to fix the above issues.

  1. When querying, always look at the nearest colored cat on its left.
  2. When updating, ensure that the cats are painted in such a way that statement one will always return the correct output. In particular, updating a range also breaks down any previous ranges into separate ranges.

Breaking down the steps:

  1. Initialize an ordered map implemented by AVL tree (or any other balanced binary tree), in Java, use TreeMap.
  2. Insert index 0 and color red to mean all cats started with red.
  3. Per query, retrieve the successor of the given index in O(logn) and output the color.
  4. Per update, query(end index + 1) and insert end+1 index with the returned color. Clear the items in the tree that is within the updating range. Insert the starting index with the new color.

Instead of updating both the start index and the end index, we update the start index(new color) and end+1 index(marking the start of an existing color range). Also, we remove colored cats if they are within the new updated range. This way, Space:

  • O(Q) worst case, all operations are paint-cat, bBST

Time (n being the maximum number of cats in the bBST):

  • O(logn) per paint-cat, worst case O(Qlogn), Q operations of paint-cat
  • O(logn) per query-cat, worst case O(Qlogn), Q operations of query-cat

Sample Java solution as follows

import java.util.*;

public class PaintCats {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// custom fast io
Kattio k = new Kattio(,System.out);

// read input
int numCat = k.getInt();
int numQ = k.getInt();

// init DS
TreeMap<Integer,String> cats = new TreeMap<>();

// predefined all cats to be Red

// read input
for (int i=0;i<numQ;i++){
int queryType = k.getInt();
if (queryType == 1){ // change color operations
int start = k.getInt();
int end = k.getInt();
String color = k.getWord();

if (end != numCat){ // if it is the last cat, no need to add in lower limit
// get color by looking at the lowerbound,since all the correct lowerbound + color will be
// in the treeMap
char endColor = cats.floorEntry(end+1).getValue();

// remove to save space + speed up look up, safe since start - end is updated here

// put in new start

} else { // query color operations
int catNo = k.getInt();
// look for the color by checking the lowerbound since all lowerbound are correctly updated


Quick self-reminder: You cannot target id of only digits such as #1, #2 in CSS.

In CSS, identifiers (including element names, classes, and IDs in selectors) can contain only the characters [a-zA-Z0-9] and ISO 10646 characters U+00A0 and higher, plus the hyphen (-) and the underscore (_); they cannot start with a digit, two hyphens, or a hyphen followed by a digit.

P.S. Behind the scene, the visualization does not work exactly as described in the efficient solution above. It is quite a challenge to visualize Balanced Binary Search Tree πŸ˜‚

Further P.S. Having a hard time making this mobile friendly, view it on wider display, Chrome or FireFox, if you can.

See it on codepen